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Perfect Stocks for June

Perfect Stocks for June

Greetings from Aegeri, Switzerland. I am sitting in a cafe at a public pool writing from my phone. The kids are eating ice cream (including the big kid, my friend Neal). I’m watching this market whipsaw as usual from far away. But I’m happy that the month is coming to...
This is Where I Trade…

This is Where I Trade…

Today has been a period of great change for me.  I have ended a two-year period on air each morning… and with that came a startling realization. I’ve largely missed my daughter each trading day before she went to pre-kindergarten to do pre-market analysis… and today...
I Forgot Something Important Today…

I Forgot Something Important Today…

It feels like I forgot about something today… Was it to eat breakfast? Was it to pack for Switzerland? I know I caught up on the debt ceiling today… I know I ranted about Kohl’s (KSS) executive team today…  And the news that JPMorgan (JPM) wants to short small-cap...