The Biden administration has officially started targeting a small group of meat packers for hitting consumers already facing inflation hard with higher beef, pork and poultry prices.
So $1 billion was sent to independent meat producers in an effort to break up what the White House is calling a “meat packaging monopoly.”
How dare they…
And don’t think these funds won’t have a major impact on the top food stocks for 2022…
That’s mostly because a small group of meat packers controls about 85% of the industry’s total market share. And as a result, I believe we’ll see strong upside from the top food stocks for 2022.
1 Top Food Stock for 2022
According to President Joe Biden, the $1 billion in funds will help tackle the lack of meaningful competition in the meat sector.
The initiative comes as a food market monopoly controlled by major meat, pork and poultry companies has grown increasingly unchecked…
I mean, we need to keep an eye on those cows or else they’ll just keep running all over us!
Beef retail prices rose 30% from the beginning of 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. They reached a peak of $7.90 per pound in October and then declined slightly in November and December.
The lack of competition leads these businesses to set prices at their discretion, with little concern for what it does to supply and consumers alike.
In other words, these funds will have a major impact on meat packers.
So check out my short video below to get the top food stocks for 2022 before they begin to experience strong upside.
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P.S. Joy of the Trade Head Trader Jeff Zananiri just put together a workshop on his daily strategy that turns the tables on Wall Street.
If we pounce when Wall Street’s caught with its pants down, we could hop in on stocks at a discount like Jeff has done countless times already.
He’s been using fade trades to lock in double-digit gains in the past two weeks like 13.21% on F… 20.44% on AMD… and even 34.86% on QCOM — all overnight!
And the next fade trade opportunity is just around the corner…