Your first time trading options can be hard. Options get their value from the underlying price of a stock, and they give traders the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the stock at a pre-set price.
If we can compare trading stocks to gambling — traders bet against the house in hopes of getting lucky — then let’s say your first time trading options is like betting on a horse race: Everyone is betting against each other, while the racetrack takes a small cut from each bet.
This means that whatever the option buyer gains from a win is the option seller’s loss.
While everyone loves to be the winner, trading options can also be a fast way for beginners to lose all of their money. But it doesn’t have to be that way…
Your First Time Trading Options
Have you ever wondered how to use options trading to turn small stock moves into massive profits?
Well today, you’re in luck because I’ve joined James West, another expert in the options trading game, to show how you can make large amounts of money in short periods of time, even if this is your first time trading options — and even if it’s not.
We’re going to go through options trades we’ve just initiated, our favorite investment platform and how to scan the market for the next best opportunity to double your money.