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The Tickers I’m Watching Closest for Juicy Dip Buys 

by | Jan 19, 2024

Roger’s live at 1 p.m. ET TODAY to present the “Gap to Green” stock that could rebound next week — join him here to learn more!

About this time every year, I find it helpful to take a long look at the stocks with the most momentum year to date.

I do this because it often points to a list of what will become the strongest stocks of the year.

So here’s a list from BespokePremium that notes earnings dates, market caps and sectors.

What stands out to me about this list are the number of small- and mid-cap stocks — those with $10 billion or less market cap. Even more interesting is the number of stocks that moved from mid to large cap in 2023.

If you take all of that into account, the best performing stocks year to date are rather unknown.

I’ll be watching these for juicy dips to buy in 2024…

Think and Win!

Stocks I'm watching for juicy dips to buy in 2024…

Celeste Lindman
Celeste Lindman Trading

P.S. Why Lance Is Still Super Bullish for 2024

Despite all the things you’ve read lately…

Lance Ippolito is surprisingly bullish on 2024…

The economy looks fairly stable…

  • Most of the worst-case scenarios have been priced in.
  • Inflation is moving back toward its desired levels.
  • Interest rate hikes have started to taper off.

And on top of that…

Many S&P 500 companies expect record profits in 2024…

All of this is pretty bullish for the stock market.

Yet he has a feeling many folks will miss out on what’s looking like a great year for stocks…

And he obviously doesn’t want that to happen…

That’s why Lance wants to direct your attention to something rather important…

It’s not an indicator…

It’s not a scanner…

But rather a complete Wall Street-Grade Trading System Lance started developing in 2016 just after he left the hedge fund.

It was designed to help him find and trade the market’s fastest-moving stocks. 

It’s called “Platform X.”

And It’s Launching Next Week

The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. These trades expressed are from historical backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system.

WRITTEN BY<br>Celeste Lindman

Celeste Lindman

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