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Do These Charts Say ‘Recession’ to You?

by | Oct 18, 2023

“I just don’t get it,” I say with sarcasm in my voice as I write, admitting that I do talk to myself. “How can an economy that is on the brink of a recession be filled with participants who eat out practically all the time and constantly buy new stuff?”

When I was a kid in the ’70s, we next-to-never went to restaurants other than an occasional Burger Chef and Jeff or McDonald’s. When we did, it was special. In fact, I can count them with one hand and still have fingers remaining. Maybe you can relate.

My favorite clothes were hand-me-downs from friends and extended family. And “Better Homes & Gardens” was a dream on a very small scale… miniscule, actually, if it even existed.

We spent our time working hard and being creative. Boy, do I sound like my mom (my dad died in 1970).

What a great decade! That’s how I experienced it as a kid. When I read history, I realize rose-colored glasses are a great thing.

Anyway, what do you make of these two charts in 2023?

 Source: BespokePremium

Think and Win!

Celeste Lindman
Celeste Lindman Trading

P.S. The ‘Dark Force’ Behind Wall Street’s Biggest Moves

There’s a dark force that controls the stock market.

Unless you’ve worked on Wall Street, you’d never know about it…

You might not even believe it.

Over my three decades of investing, I’ve been able to see it move stocks time and time again.

Unfortunately, up until now, for retail traders and regular folks, it’s been extremely difficult to access it and follow its patterns.

But today, that all changes.

For the first time ever, you’ll be able to see where this dark force could move a stock next… 

Helping you get ahead of what could be some of the most significant moves in the stock market…

Before the Share Price Even Budges 

WRITTEN BY<br>Celeste Lindman

Celeste Lindman

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