You may or may not already know this, but I have a unique Cumulative Strength Index (CSI) scan that I run to find the hottest stocks and sectors…
I also use it as a barometer for the broader stock market, and it helps me gauge different things like the S&P 500 to find the hottest and weakest stocks to go long or short on. I love using this scan because when a stock gets to the upper edge of it, it tends to rally for months on end!
But you must know how to drill down into the details to use it correctly…
So in this video, I’ll show you how to use the CSI scan to find and drill into the hottest sectors and trade opportunities out there.
How to Use the CSI Scan to Find the Top and Bottom Stocks
I thought I’d film a new video about this because I always receive emails from people saying they love my sector analysis but they aren’t ETF traders… so they have no idea how to use the CSI scan…
They don’t know how to break down individual sectors like Energy or Utilities to expand on the actual type of companies in them.
They ask what’s in the Energy sector, and if it includes things like solar and natural gas stocks…
So my CSI scan just lends itself to these kinds of questions…
And the best way to answer them is to do some simple stock chart analysis…
Most trading programs and platforms offer the features I’m about to show you, so you can use whichever one you like most. I tend to just use Barchart because it’s easy to understand and doesn’t cost anything — making it an ideal platform for you as well!
Check out my short video below to learn how to use the CSI scan to drill down into the hottest sectors and stocks.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already so you can be notified as soon as we post our next video, and see what other trade opportunities we’re paying close attention to!
P.S. I haven’t been sweating the recent stock market volatility…
That’s because I’ve coded an algorithm designed to capitalize in any market climate by isolating only the top stocks…
I call them “Super Stocks.”
When the market gets ready to roll again, all I have to do is “flip a switch” on the algorithm to get a brand-new batch of trades primed to play the bounce.
And I want everyone to get in on these trade opportunities…
So I put together an emergency training session to help people get in on the next batch of tickers!