Losing over a million dollars in my trading account at the climax of the Great Recession was not the beginning of my sob story — it was the end.
Here’s what I mean…
While it’s true that my trading account was demolished in early 2009, along with hopes, dreams and faith in a system…
What really sticks out is the fear and pit I felt in the bottom of my stomach one beautiful summer day in 2006, about three years before the meltdown.
I was driving with my family to Lake Tahoe after landing in Reno, Nevada, for a family reunion.
Here we are on that very day…
My cell phone rang.
I wasn’t surprised. I had been fearing this call ever since I made the decision and took action.
I didn’t want to take the call. I knew what was about to unfold.
I felt fear.
Here’s the action I took that caused the stir — I invested in bond funds like this:
Here’s how that thought process worked out:
Pretty good, huh?
Not bad for a homeschool teacher and stay-at-home mom, right?
I thought so.
After all, here’s how the S&P 500 performed during the same time period:
And that, my friends, is a Tale of Two Trades.
You see, I did my stock market homework before I just jumped in.
It’s how I was taught…
Not by Wall Street (yes, I also have quite a bit of that experience and a granola NYC background, thank you very much)…
But by someone who was raised along the Mississippi River in Southern Illinois during the Great Depression…
Someone who had to pull themselves up by the bootstraps again because of more devastation in 1970…
Someone who experienced great success like no other in the automobile industry in the 1980s, yet talked about its future demise… and was right.
(Ask me if you want to know more).
Fear — healthy fear — led to a sound thought process and calm decision to exit equities. The decision was built on a process.
Healthy fear is our No. 1 asset. This is the beginning of our successes… our stories.
Unhealthy fear and “CD” — not a bank — is the rest of the story. It’s how we go from point A to point B.
The journey is worth a million dollars to me, and it’s worth the phone call I’ll tell you about next in Part II of this four-part series.
Hopefully, I’ll also teach you a little about how to think and win!
Celeste Lindman
Celeste Lindman Trading
If you haven’t already, join my Telegram channel here for frequent trading insights and market musings!
*This is for informational and educational purposes only. There is an inherent risk in trading, so trade at your own risk.
- Healthy Fear Is Our Best Asset — Part II: A Tale of 2 Traders
- Healthy Fear Is Our Best Asset — Part III: The Path to Making Money
- Healthy Fear Is Our Best Asset — Part IV: Actions That Pay and Assumptions to Slay
P.S. There’s a $213K, Real-Money Trade Going Down Right NOW
One trade… one ticker… eight days or less!
Lance Ippolito just sat down with Jeffry Turnmire to show you the one ticker behind this incredible 8-Day Trade.
This ticker has nothing to do with stocks… Nothing to do with gold or bonds…
And nothing to do with forex.
In fact, this ticker is up 345,000% in less than 15 years!
You need to check out this 8-Day Trade before it’s too late!
Click here to join us live on Zoom now.
See you inside!
*The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 5/26/21 – 11/1/23 the win rate is 67%, the average winner is 56%, the average return is 19.85 % over an 8 day hold time.